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There is still a prejudice among people that vaping, in terms of danger to human health, is comparable to smoking regular cigarettes or even exceeds them. Recent studies indicate that vaping is much safer than cigarettes because it does not use tobacco at its core. The process of obtaining nicotine by humans is not associated with the inhalation of smoke obtained due to combustion.
In the last 7 years, there has been a real “BOOM” for electronic cigarettes and vaping: since 2013, the number of people floating has increased more than 5 times worldwide. Vape is the most affordable and popular way to help you quit smoking.
More and more people are willing to join the vaper community, and, logically, newbies have questions. In this article, we will answer all the popular questions.
What is Vaping Or E-Cigarette?
A vape or electronic cigarette is a device powered by a rechargeable battery or batteries that creates a concentrated vapor intended for inhalation (inhalation). Depending on the liquid used, it can deliver nicotine to the body or inhale the vapor without nicotine.
Liquids come in thousands of varieties with countless flavours produced by top manufacturers like twelve monkeys e-liquid. The vape creates vapor from a liquid, which, falling on a special heating element, evaporates and is fed through the mouthpiece for inhalation. Externally, the vapor from the vape is very similar to the smoke from cigarettes, but it has a denser structure due to its high dispersion properties.
Unlike cigarette smoke, steam does not contain cancer-causing tobacco products. The device itself is made using different form factors, similar to ordinary cigarettes or even smoking pipes.
Composition of Vaping Products
A vaping product’s standard composition is as follows: distilled water, glycerin, propylene glycol, and aromatic fragrance. In some cases, the composition contains a certain amount of nicotine.
Usually, the nicotine-free liquid is chosen by those trying to get rid of this addiction or change their regular cigarettes to a more fashionable and beautiful option.
Facts About Vaping
Many myths have revolved around since the inception of vaping and have been troubling a lot of minds. It’s better to get some facts straightened out for clarity of thought:
- Vaping is as addictive as a cigarette.
- It’s not safe to use for adults and kids to vape.
- E-cigarettes could contain more than just nicotine.
- The liquid in e-cigarettes is often called vape juice, vape liquid, or e-juice.
- E-cigarette devices could also burn up or explode and could be very lethal.
- It is likely that young people who vape could turn to smoke.
- It’s bad for your lungs and heart.
- E-cigarettes have various flavors.
- Many communities and states have banned tobacco flavored products.
- E-cigarettes are also used to transfer various harmful drugs like marijuana etc.
Difference between Different Generations of Vapes
There are many different types of e-cigarettes that are first, second, or third-generation:
- The first generation of electronic cigarettes was made in an elongated form factor that mimics a regular cigarette.
- Vapes of the second generation became larger and received more powerful batteries with adjustable power settings. The accumulator is connected to a heating element and a liquid reservoir, which can be filled with liquid according to your taste.
- Vapes of the third generation have become even larger and have acquired the ability to regulate the airflow and the voltage and power supplied to the atomizer.
New vape models have many settings and are made in cases with various designs using steel, plastic, or even wood.
Are there any side effects from vaping?
One of the most important benefits of e-cigarette smoking, which has long been the trump card, is harmlessness. But, unfortunately, scientists have their own opinions on this matter.
Experts from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory conducted research and concluded that harmful elements are still released during vaping.
The most sensitive to this reaction are people with intolerance to the liquid components of steam generators. The main side-effects of vaping include:
1- Sore throat: propylene glycol (PG) dries mucous membranes, which causes pain and discomfort. It is necessary to drink more fluids every day, and the unpleasant symptoms will go away.
2- Cramps and muscle pain: This is how lactic acid affects muscles. Lactate is converted into propylene glycol. Usually, such symptoms occur in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. 1.5-2 liters of water a day will quickly remove lactate from the body.
3- Upset Gastrointestinal tract: This occurs due to individual intolerance to propylene glycol. In this case, it is necessary to purchase e-cig liquids without PG content.
4- Night sweats (rare): One of the reasons is the rejection of PG by the body, which leads to night sweats. You can try mixtures without it.
5- Lungs Disease: Regular vaping leads to lung problems. Our lungs require clean air and oxygen, but when some harmful content enters them, several diseases occur for those who already have asthma; vaping affects their lungs more vigorously.
Many people think that vaping is completely harmless. But this opinion is wrong. The possibility of vaping almost anywhere provokes too frequent use of the gadget.
It would be best if you always remembered about the nicotine content in the mixture. With excessive vape, the body can consume more nicotine than classic smoking, which is often the cause of overdose and unpleasant consequences.
Risks involved in Vaping
The US National Academy of Sciences released a report on vaping, which discusses its consequences and risks. Here are some findings of that study:
- When vaping, the amount of nicotine consumed does not change compared to smoking.
- Vaping can enhance the risk of serious circulatory problems.
- The substances used in vaping can lead to damage to DNA.
- Drinking, injecting, and dropping fluids in the eyes or on the skin can lead to bad effects such as seizures and oxygen starvation.
- In some cases, vaping fastens the pulse rate and also increases the blood pressure.
In addition, there are enhanced chances of getting the COVID-19 virus in those who vape, especially among the youngsters. Researchers found out that those who use e-cigarettes are at higher risk of getting the coronavirus—the contents of vaping liquid decrease the immunity that makes them an easier target for such viruses.
It is no longer possible to say that vaping is completely harmless and does not affect human health in any way. According to scientists, there are risks for using electronic cigarettes, and they must be investigated.
For any definite conclusions, you need to conduct observations for at least ten years. If you recall the history, the when tobacco was brought into the country, no one even suspected its enormous health hazard; it was prescribed to patients as a remedy for halitosis. However, vaping is a very different threat, which is directly related to drug addiction.