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It’s been nearly a year since COVID-19 came into our lives, and to call the last 11 months a tumultuous time would be an understatement. The unprecedented pandemic created by the novel coronavirus has shaken industries to their core, facilitated mass job loss and given way to ever-expanding infection numbers. During these difficult times, the best thing you can do is actively work to protect your health while keeping the people around you safe. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to prove challenging, difficult or prohibitively costly. Anyone looking to get through this pandemic with their good health intact will be well-served by the following measures.
Mask Up
Wearing a mask whenever you leave home or interact with others is one of the most effective steps you can take in combating COVID-19. Not only will a good face mask help protect you from breathing in virus particles, but it can also help prevent asymptomatic COVID-19 sufferers from unknowingly infecting others. Of course, for masks to be truly effective, they need to be worn properly, so make sure your mask fully covers both your nose and your mouth. Many people have an unfortunate habit of wearing their masks under their noses, which more or less defeats the purpose of masking up in the first place. Even though fashion shouldn’t be a concern when protecting yourself from the novel coronavirus, you should have no trouble finding cute face masks.
You can also help protect yourself by not interacting with maskless individuals. For example, if you notice that a business’s employees aren’t wearing masks, you’ll be fully justified in taking your patronage elsewhere and bringing the aforementioned masklessness to the attention of others. Furthermore, if repairmen or service people show up at your home without masks, don’t allow them to come inside until they mask up. While this may create an awkward situation, you should never be afraid to advocate for your own personal safety. These people visit multiple homes each day, and if they don’t wear masks, the likelihood of them developing and spreading the virus is quite high.
Limit How Much Takeout You Order
When you’re stuck at home, the temptation to order takeout for every meal can be overwhelming. This is particularly true for people who are struggling with mental health issues brought about by the pandemic. While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional takeout meal, ordering in too often can place a strain on both your finances and encourage unhealthy eating habits. Instead, use this opportunity to hone your culinary skills and try your hand at an assortment of health-conscious recipes. Additionally, by limiting takeout orders to once or twice a month, you can make orders feel like more of a reward than a regular indulgence.
Keep in Touch with Loved Ones
COVID-19 has taken a heavy toll on many people’s mental health. Those of us who have grown accustomed to seeing friends, family members and other loved ones with regularity has experienced a bit of shellshock in response to being unable to occupy the same physical space as these people. Feeling cut off from the people closest to you can lead to feelings of depression, hopelessness and isolation. However, it’s important to realize that the sacrifice you’re making is keeping both yourself and these individuals safe.
Additionally, remotely connecting with the special people in your life has never been easier. Video chats, text messaging and phone calls can help you stay in touch with your nearest and dearest while engaged in social distancing. To help prevent yourself from feeling isolated and disconnected, make a point of checking in with the most important individuals in your life on a consistent basis. Furthermore, take care to regularly touch base with any friends and family members who are experiencing mental health issues in response to the pandemic.
For millions of Americans, the novel coronavirus has turned daily life on its head. Things we once took for granted now seem like far-off fantasies, while things we never pictured ourselves living through have increasingly become commonplace. Due to the highly infectious nature of COVID-19, it behoves all of us to be proactive about protecting our health. Not only will this help keep us safe, but it will also reduce the risk of us endangering the health of others.