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Have you ever noticed how a cluttered environment can make you feel uncomfortable, even anxious? This is where feng shui comes into play. Literally, feng shui translates to the way of wind and water, feng meaning wind, and shui meaning water.
However, feng shui is actually the ancient Chinese art of arranging objects, spaces, and buildings in a way that achieves harmony and balance. Balance and flow of the life force energy, known as qi energy essential in feng shui today which is also helpful in improving bedroom environment. If your environment is not in balance, it can affect how you feel and even cause symptoms like stress and depression.
The same goes for your desk and office environment that you work in each day. To learn how to achieve desk feng shui, you’ll need to keep reading this guide to learn what you need to know!
Incorporate Feng Shui Objects
Your first step is to find some feng shui-inspired objects that will help bring different energies to your desk. First, you’ll need to consider the overall theme of your desk. For example, if you use your desk for both work and hobbies like playing video games, you can bring in elements to balance it all out. You can consider getting a custom playmat with a beautiful design you create from your own inspiration. You can find out more here about quality customizable playmats you can order. They’ll also protect your equipment at the same time, helping your desk feng shui even more. Other ways you can incorporate feng shui objects include:
- Place your favorite crystals around your desk area to help with focus
- Put a green plant on your desk to invite fresh energy in
- Find a ceramic mug that you can regularly use to remind you of self-care
You can also use rocks, ceramic bowls, or other figurines to finish out the space.
Declutter Your Desk
Clutter gets in the way of achieving feng shui, so you’ll need to ensure that your desk is organized and clutter-free. Keep in mind that your desk doesn’t have to be perfectly neat; it just has to allow for the proper amount of movement and flow.
The best way to keep your desk space decluttered is to start a routine of cleaning and decluttering your desk before you start work for the day. It doesn’t have to be anything over the top, either. Simply take a few moments to organize any paperwork and put things in their proper place. The best part if while you’re decluttering, you’ll also be decluttering the thoughts in your mind at the same time.
Dedicate a Desk Space
Another important thing to consider is your desk location. It’s best to have a dedicated space for your desk and not use other places, such as your kitchen table, as an office during your workday. When you do this, you end up with piles of papers and other clutter in a space that’s meant for eating, not work.
If you work from home regularly, using a separate room for your office is best. If you have to use a room that’s used for another purpose, then you’ll need to create a visual separation in the space. To do this, use measuring tape and sketch out how you envision the room layout to be. Make sure there is enough space around your desk so you can move comfortably. You’ll also need enough space to organize your work supplies in a way that won’t interfere with the other objects in the room.
You should also be careful to consider the view from your desk when you’re sitting and working. You don’t want to be sitting staring at a blank wall. Ideally, your desk should be to the side of a window or facing something else that’s inspiring to you. You can also add artwork or a mirror to the walls in the room to expand your view, which allows you to feel more balanced.
Consider Desk Color
The color of your desk can also affect the feng shui in your work. Remember, you want your desk to be a positive and calming space, so the color of it should reflect that. The best color to use is white, which is the color that many people look at as the foundation of feng shui. This is because it’s a neutral color that goes well with any background. It also represents organization and cleanliness.
However, you don’t have to stick with white if it doesn’t feel right to you. You can choose from different colors, but cool colors like blue or grey work best since they tend to be soothing.
If you want a little more passion in your room, you can use white and purple or another color to even out the energies.
The Ultimate Guide to Desk Feng Shui
Following this ultimate guide to desk feng shui will help you create a balanced working space that flows with positive and calming energy.
Be sure to take your time to figure out what works for you and what doesn’t. You may have to move objects around a few times before it all comes together.
Once you achieve desk feng shui, don’t stop there. Tackle other rooms in your house step by step, and before you know it, your entire house will have the feng shui you’ve been needing.